I invite you to experiment with the theme "Healthy Obsessions." Not "Melodramatic Compulsions" or "Exhausting Crazes" or "Manias That Make You Seem Interesting to Casual Bystanders," but "Healthy Obsessions."
To do it well, you will have to take really good care of yourself as you concentrate extravagantly on tasks that fill you with zeal.
This may require you to rebel against the influences of role models who act as if getting sick and imbalanced is a key part of being true to one's genius.
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with my 3-part EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES for the Coming Year:
What new influences will be headed your way in 2024? What fresh resources will you be able to draw on? How can you conspire with life to create the best possible future for yourself?
This week, my EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES feature Part 3 of the long-range, in-depth explorations of your destiny in 2024.
Part 1 and Part 2 of your Big-Picture Predictions, which I offered the last two weeks, are also still available.
To listen to your BIG PICTURE horoscopes online, go to
Register and/or log in through the main page, then under “Select Reading to Play,” click on "Part 3" of the "Long-Term Prediction for 2024."
The cost for the Expanded Audio Horoscopes is $7 per sign if you purchase 7 tokens for $7. (You can get discounts for purchasing larger token packages.)
Each forecast is 7 to 11 minutes long.
P.S. You can also still access my Sneak-Peek at 2024. In these Expanded Audio Horoscopes, I describe some major themes I think you'll be working and playing with in 2024. After you register and/or log in, click on the reading for Dec. 19, 2023.
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"Enlightenment is intimacy with all things."
—13th-century Buddhist priest and writer Dōgen Zenji
Should we imagine that "enlightenment" is a perfect and permanent realization of ultimate truth?
Is it a possession we can own?
Once we have acquired it, are we forever guaranteed to understand the nature of reality at the deepest levels?
My guess is that there's no such thing as this kind of "enlightenment."
Here's a version of "enlightenment" that appeals to me: a visceral sensation of feeling close to all living things, buoyed by an ever-renewing empathy.
"Holiness is an infinite compassion for others," wrote author and activist Olive Schreiner.
"The soul is awakened through service," said author Erica Jong.
I agree. I say the quest to align one's personal life with the highest good is at least as much about being in service as it is about attaining a transcendent level of awareness or making pious displays of devotion to a deity or ideal.
According to 16th-century Kabbalist, Rabbi Isaac Luria, the idea of "enlightenment" was not some individual personal goal to escape mortal limitations and gain knowledge, but a group process by humans to assist the Divine in bringing creation into alignment with the original plan—i.e., "on earth as it is in heaven.
—Martha Jablonski Jones
Our happiness, potency, and spiritual skill are impossible and hollow unless we are in service to others. With this in mind, I propose an extension of the Bodhisattva’s Vow.
The Bodhisattva Vow: “My own personal quest for illumination is incomplete, and my own personal enlightenment is meaningless, unless I am also devoted to easing the suffering of others.”
I suggest we take this Vow a step further and say, “My quest for illumination is incomplete, and my enlightenment meaningless, unless I am also devoted to the goals of easing the suffering of others and helping them experience joy and pleasure and liberation and meaningfulness.”
A cornerstone of this Extended Version of the Bodhisattva’s Vow is that we are committed to providing the fundamental needs of all human beings—their food, shelter, medical care, money—so they have the ability to cultivate joy and pleasure and liberation and abundance.
Proposed bottom-line spiritual philosophy: For any one of us, our life is rooted in the principle that whatever hurts other people hurts us; that injustices experienced by others are also injustices experienced by us.
None of us can truly be free and fulfilled unless we work toward the goal of ensuring everyone is free and fulfilled.
These are not vague abstract ideals. They’re the central source of our soul's code and how we organize our beliefs, emotions, and actions.
Perhaps there is a version of "enlightenment" that signifies a transcendent level of awareness: a relaxed and savvy understanding of life as it really is.
If so, here are probable rules about that hypothetical state.
• If "enlightenment" doesn't enhance our ability to witness and heal the suffering of our fellow humans, then it's fake enlightenment.
• If "enlightenment" encourages us to imagine that expressing our personal freedom excuses us from caring for the health and well-being of our fellow humans, then it's fake enlightenment.
• If "enlightenment" allows or encourages us to ignore racism, bigotry, plutocracy, misogyny, and LGBTQ-phobia, it's fake enlightenment.
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ENLIGHTENMENT AND INDIVIDUATION — excerpted from my new book
In most schools of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism, enlightenment is the consummate goal.
In Western esoteric paths, the supreme accomplishment is individuation.
What is individuation? Here are various ways Jungian psychologists and I might define it.
1. The tender, crafty strategies by which a person integrates into their conscious mind the immature powers and dormant gifts of their unconscious mind, thereby becoming a psychologically whole, self-possessed individual.
2. The shrewd probing and experimentation by which a person gains access to the full scope of their soul’s code and takes all necessary steps to artfully activate their unique genius.
3. The impossible game a person tackles in the hope of releasing themself from rapt, self-absorbed identification with their conditioned patterns, as well as from the hypnotic spell of their culture's and their clique’s dominant paradigms.
4. The poignant amusement a person cultivates as they pay affectionate respect to their ego even as they teach their ego how to be a servant of the Mysterious Sublime Eternal Gorgeous Self that is above and below and beyond and within their conscious awareness.
Can devoted seekers manage a quest for both enlightenment and individuation? I don't see why not. "Go for it!" I say to them.
Individuation is the primary work and play of my own devotional practice. I know I’ll never finish doing it. There’s no perfect version I will someday embody. It’s an endless process I wrestle and wrangle with because it’s so fun and interesting.
Bonus! My theory is that to the degree that I individuate, I'm approximating viable versions of enlightenment—of which there are at least a trillion.
Surprise! Individuation can’t be accomplished in isolation or on the strength of epic solo struggles. It’s the opposite of rugged individualism. It is undermined by selfishness and narcissism, and it doesn't engender selfishness and narcissism.
Individuation requires deep engagement with other creatures. How can we know who we truly are and forge the best versions of ourselves unless we interweave our destinies with those of allies and compatriots—and everyone else, for that matter?
Surprise again! For me, individuation proceeds with greatest alacrity as I seek conscious union with the Divine Intelligence, whose presence permeates every cubic centimeter of the universe.
As I merge my personal awareness with the Supernal Awareness of the Only Being in the Universe, my unique soul’s code is activated more and more. My unique personal genius gets the full-blast nurturing of the Ultimate Genius.
The outrageous paradox, the hilarious and sublime anomaly, is this: As I merge my personal will with the One Will, my personal will thrives.
PS: In the most sublime versions of both enlightenment and individuation, compassionate service to humanity and the earth is an essential element of the quest. I aspire to embody that devotional integrity.
—Charles Du Box said it
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FREE WILL ASTROLOGY Week of January 11 © Copyright 2024 Rob Brezsny
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): In 2024, I predict you will be blessed with elegant and educational expansion—but also challenged by the possibility of excessive, messy expansion. Soulful magnificence could vie for your attention with exorbitant extravagance. Even as you are offered valuable novelties that enhance your sacred and practical quests, you may be tempted with lesser inducements you don’t really need. For optimal results, Capricorn, I urge you to avoid getting distracted by irrelevant goodies. Usher your fate away from pretty baubles and towards felicitous beauty.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Some people feel that “wealth” refers primarily to financial resources. If you’re wealthy, it means you have a lot of money, luxurious possessions, and lavish opportunities to travel. But wealth can also be measured in other ways. Do you have an abundance of love in your life? Have you enjoyed many soulful adventures? Does your emotional intelligence provide rich support for your heady intelligence? I bring this up, Aquarius, because I believe 2024 will be a time when your wealth will increase. The question for you to ruminate on: How do you define wealth?
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): “No one can build you the bridge on which you, and only you, must cross the river of life,” said philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. Here's my response to that bold declaration: It's utterly WRONG! No one in the history of the world has ever built anything solely by their own efforts, let alone a bridge to cross the river of life. Even if you are holed up in your studio working on a novel, painting, or invention, you are absolutely dependent on the efforts of many people to provide you with food, water, electricity, clothes, furniture, and all the other goodies that keep you functioning. It's also unlikely that anyone could create anything of value without having received a whole lot of love and support from other humans. Sorry for the rant, Pisces. It’s a preface for my very positive prediction: In 2024, you will have substantial help in building your bridge across the river of life.
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Why do birds sing? They must be expressing their joy at being alive, right? And in some cases, they are trying to impress and attract potential mates. Ornithologists tell us that birds are also staking out their turf by chirping their melodies. Flaunting their vigor is a sign to other birds of how strong and commanding they are. In accordance with astrological omens, I invite you Aries humans to sing more than ever before in 2024. Like birds, you have a mandate to boost your joie de vivre and wield more authority. Here are 10 reasons why singing is good for your health: tinyurl.com/HealthySinging
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Which zodiac sign is most likely to have a green thumb? Who would most astrologers regard as the best gardener? Who would I call on if I wanted advice on when to harvest peaches, how to love and care for roses as they grow, or how to discern which weeds might be helpful and useful? The answer, according to my survey, is Taurus. And I believe you Bulls will be even more fecund than usual around plants in 2024. Even further, I expect you to be extra fertile and creative in every area of your life. I hereby dub you Maestro of the Magic of Germination and Growth.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Research I've found suggests that 70 percent of us have experienced at least one traumatic event in our lives. But I suspect the percentage is higher. For starters, everyone has experienced the dicey expulsion from the warm, nurturing womb. That's usually not a low-stress event. The good news, Gemini, is that now and then there come phases when we have more power than usual to heal from our traumas. According to my analysis of the astrological omens, the coming months will be one of those curative times for you.
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Who do you want to become in 2024? Where do you want to go and what do you want to do? Would you like some inspiration as you muse and wonder about your upcoming adventures?
In this week's EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES, I offer you Part 3 of MY long-term, in-depth exploration of your destiny in the coming year.
Part 1 and Part 2 are still available.
To listen to your BIG PICTURE horoscopes online, go to
The cost for the Expanded Audio Horoscopes is $7 per sign if you purchase 7 tokens for $7. (You can get discounts for purchasing larger token packages.)
Each forecast is 7 to 11 minutes long.
"Your long-range audio horoscopes encouraged me to think bigger about my life. As I listened, I could feel my shrunken expectations melting away."
—Therese Pembroke, San Diego
"Your big-picture horoscopes filled the gaps in my imagination. They woke up the fun plot twists that had been just on the tip of my ability to visualize."
—Ani Kraft, Brattleboro, VT
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CANCER (June 21-July 22): At their best, Libras foster vibrant harmony that energizes social situations. At their best, Scorpios stimulate the talents and beauty of those they engage with. Generous Leos and Sagittarians inspire enthusiasm in others by expressing their innate radiance. Many of us may get contact highs from visionary, deep-feeling Pisceans. In 2024, Cancerian, I believe you can call on all these modes as you brighten and nurture the people in your sphere—even if you have no Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Leo, or Pisces influences in your astrological chart.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Here are my wishes for you in 2024. 1. I hope you will rigorously study historical patterns in your life story. I hope you will gather robust insights into the rhythms and themes of your amazing journey. 2. You will see clearly what parts of your past are worth keeping and which are better outgrown and left behind. 3. You will come to a new appreciation of the heroic quest you have been on. You will feel excited about how much further your quest can go. 4. You will feel gratitude for the deep inner sources that have been guiding you all these years. 5. You will be pleased to realize how much you have grown and ripened.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Virgo author Eduardo Galeano mourned how our institutions condition us to divorce our minds from our hearts and our bodies from our souls. Even sadder, many of us deal with these daunting schisms by becoming numb to them. The good news, Virgo, is that I expect 2024 to be one of the best times ever for you to foster reconciliation between the split-off parts of yourself. Let’s call this the Year of Unification. May you be inspired to create both subtle and spectacular fusions of your fragmented parts. Visualize your thoughts and feelings weaving together in elegant harmony. Imagine your material and spiritual needs finding common sources of nourishment.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): According to ancient Greek myth, the half-divine hero Heracles consulted the Oracle of Delphi for guidance. He was assigned to perform 12 daunting feats, most of which modern people would regard as unethical, like killing and stealing. There was one labor that encouraged integrity, though. Heracles had to clean the stables where over a thousand divine cattle lived. The place hadn't been scrubbed in 30 years! As I meditated on your hero's journey in the coming months, Libra, I concluded that you'd be wise to begin with a less grandiose version of Heracles' work in the stables. Have fun as you cheerfully tidy up everything in your life! By doing so, you will earn the power to experience many deep and colorful adventures in the coming months.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): I will name two taboos I think you should break in 2024. The first is the theory that you must hurt or suppress yourself to help others. The second is that you must hurt or suppress others to benefit yourself. Please scour away any delusion you might have that those two strategies could genuinely serve you. In their place, substitute these hypotheses: 1. Being good to yourself is the best way to prepare for helping others. 2. Being good to others is the best way to benefit yourself.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): “Doubt has killed more dreams than failure ever will,” says Sagittarian author Suzy Kassem. Many of us have had the experience of avoiding a quest for success because we are too afraid of being defeated or demoralized. "Loss aversion" is a well-known psychological concept that applies when we are so anxious about potential loss that we don't pursue the possible gain. In my astrological estimation, you Centaurs should be especially on guard against this inhibiting factor in 2024. I am confident you can rise above it, but to do so, you must be alert for its temptation—and eager to summon new reserves of courage.
I just wanted to express my gratitude for your letter today. I found it to be particularly profound in light of all that is happening in the world. It is not a battle to be won by bombs and bullets. We need a revolution in Consciousness that recognizes what you wrote about today. Thank you
Thank you for this inspired exploration. I’m lit up by the term “devotional integrity”. It is truly a key in a hallway of mirrored doors.