We deserve first every month for surviving Pluto for the last 16years 😅😜

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A friend of mine needed these words today. Thank you, Rob, you’re a genius. You learned to apply astrological knowledge and connect these planetary dots effectively. Or maybe you’re in sync with some amazing global or universal genius bigger and greater than yourself, and you are able, like a computer compiler to a motherboard, to bzzzz bzzzz bzzzzzz download this information and turn it into English language. Whatever it is, thank you for doing it.

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I mean it does make me feel extra special actually… which you know I love as a cap🤣

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I was so hurt.

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U R a force 4 healing, compassion & beauty.

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Thanks, Rob! I knew it’d be showin up

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Thank you, absolutely delicious, may you be bestowed with unbridled love and care


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This reads as one who thinks there are or there will be no more surprises, so to speak. Good read!

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i cant imagine you forgot -

maybe to highlight the message? hmm

well thank you as ever and always

It helps a great deal

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Hey, I'm a Gen X Capricorn, I'm used to it. <3 :D

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