Thank you so much for continuing to cite sources that show people how to act, and that show that others are acting, and that show we all have to do whatever we can, even if it's only an email to a congressperson, a phone call, or staying hopeful and sending positive energy out to all. Thank you.

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Thank you. The graphic stating that "...It's America versus MAGA Fascism" is so important to keep in the forefront. There are no reasons for anyone to keep supporting or excusing any of this.

You also included some music, and we need to remember the Power of Music. Oh yeah, and the fact that these evil humans are actually very weak. I always am reminded of this when I see the full, or almost full, moon. That's real power. And hawks! Earth power, baby!

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I thought the same thing - it is "America vs MAGA Fascism"

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No one says it better than you! 🙏

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Thank you thank you thank you!


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Oh Poet! THANK YOU for your ferocious love!

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