I wonder why someone would deprive themself of a column they've enjoyed for 30 years, one that's given them joy and replaced the need for therapy, because of one thing you wrote last week. It's cutting off one's nose.... It's Slugs for Salt!

It's the very reason people vote against their own freedoms: to deprive others of theirs. It's pure spite. And that kind of spite hurts everybody.

Keep doing what you do. It's all been right—and by that I mean left.

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Very young children have a limited capacity for understanding nuance and complexity. They tend to see others as either all good, or all bad. When, on the way to adulthood, a child fails to pass through the developmental stages that healthy development requires, this kind of black and white thinking persists into adulthood. Psychologists call this kind of black and white thinking in adults a defense mechanism, and label it "splitting". Splitting among an adult population can be, and is, leveraged by political and economic elites to distract and divide people from each other, so the elites can remain in power. It's one of many "Hey, look over there!" strategies used to distract people from how the elites have utterly failed to care for the sentient beings, the land, and all of the resources. Your column is so refreshing because it never fails to remind me of the importance of caring, and for being accountable for my darkness and my failures. I thank you kindly.

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I've been a free subscriber since retirement 4 years ago, but no more. Today's edition is the first I've read from top to bottom; just paid for a year and will be taking a look at your books. What you shared was compelling for me. I hope to find my weird places (and regain my muse), as you recommend for Aquarians...and maybe will start by sharing this edition with some folks who usually just get a nudge from me if their horoscopes seem to too relevant to remain unseen.

Keep the light shining!

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Thank you! I agree with you on all of this, and as a psychic and psychic teacher I’ve spoken out many times myself in similar ways. We have a spiritual duty to think about and care about politics. This is also spiritual growth. I’ll be quoting you and this newsletter today, and sharing widely. I’m a big fan of yours and this is one of the reasons why. Cheers!

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Well - I've never been sure why I get your newsletter in my email, and I confess that I usually just delete them unread (sorry!), but the subject line of this one caught my attention. Not only am I NOT unsubscribing, I just made myself a paid subscriber! Thank you for doing what you can to educate all people, even those who refuse to see what gaslighters and manipulators are doing their best to hide.

From one Democratic Socialist to another - please keep doing what you've been doing all these years!

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You are the best! And I can’t believe anyone who has been following you for any amount time would be surprised, much less angry, about your political stance.

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I know. It seems so crazy. I suspect that child of God/dess got out on the wrong side of the bed and then read the last post. He decided someone needed to suffer for his misery, and so he whacked Rob. What a pitiful guy.

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1st, thank you~for a lifetime of convictions and love

2nd, I just signed up as a paid subscriber offsetting one of the unsubscribed you mentioned! And lastly, I don't agree with all of what you say, but I certainly believe there is space here for differing points of view!

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Thank you! For all of this👍🏽❤️❤️❤️

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Bravo!!! Thank you and well said! I’ve been an avid follower since the early Village Voice days. I always look forward to reading the good sense you make of living in the world.

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Rob Dear, talk about warm and fuzzy feelings and finding balance in Libra ingress. Thank you !

Tom Robbins OMG how much fun did we have reading his books .

Be you, do you, for you and us!!!

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Some time in the 1990s, you posted a horoscope that began "Will there ever come a time in the future when you will utter the words 'Would you like fries with that, sir?'" It was this horoscope that helped motivate me to apply to graduate school and put me on the career path I have today. I have always enjoyed your writing and I hope you continue to inspire and motivate people for years to come. Thank you for helping bring light into our lives.

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Yes, a thousand times YES! Thank you for your thoughtful and poignant words (again). You capture so lovingly all the random bits jostling around in my heads.

How someone can be a reader of yours for years and not notice your activism and truth-telling is wild.

Keep doing what your doing. You just earned another paid subscriber. Appreciate all you do to shine a light on this world.

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I’ve always enjoyed your stance and views on things political. I’ve found myself in agreement more times than not. After all, it is ALL political, isn’t it? It affects our lives, our environment, our health. How can it NOT be political and if we have any awareness why wouldn’t we want the BEST it could be? Blessed Be from Hawaii island.

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I have admired and continue to admire your horoscopes and perspectives for many many years and would like to Thank you! I voted early from New York State as I will be in Mexico for the U.S. election. Meow.

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Rob, I Love your brilliant mind, your passionate heart, your quick wit, your vocabulary and knowledge,(to which I have read my horoscope and immediately looked up an author or word and now can answer 10x more jeopardy questions than 25 years ago) lol, and FYI - I would have voted for you when you were running for office…. and…. maybe you should think about doing that again….I also am in awe that you read all your comments and have time to read them.

That being said… I think it was cute that a part of you, felt you had to defend yourself against this comment. … or any comment.

You, don’t … no one does… but we have forgotten how to communicate with each other.

So, I wanted to share because it feels safe to share here:

Recently, I took personally something someone posted as true on their FB page and then made a connection between another which was not. There is a lot of this going on in our country as of late. Mostly good people. Mostly feeling out of control and attempting to control something in their lives. ... and so, we continue to divide friends and family.... but what if.....

Sooo, first off.... there is a difference between " being right" and "being true"..if you strive to be right you may close down all communication and hurt someone in the process.

-What if the same thing was true simultaneously good and bad ( notice my wording -NOT right and wrong)

Example: Penicillin is derived from a mold. True

Mold in a house can cause respiratory illnesses. True

Penicillin is bad because it is a mold. False... but wait...

Penicillin is an antibiotic that has helped to save many lives. Good - True

Penicillin killed a teenager with a penicillin allergy. Bad -True

The last 2 statements about Penicillin are both True one good and one bad.


"Most herbal remedies are safer than drugs"

Ma Huang is an ancient Chinese herb.

Ephedra is a Chinese herb.

Both of these are useful when seeing a Chinese medicine Dr. or trained Naturopath. True - Good

Both of these raise the heart rate and have contributed to heart attack and sudden death. True - Bad

My point - when speaking your truth, be kind , not right, because someone else's truth has just as much validity.

TY for letting me speak my truth; I need to take my own advice and go back to the basics.🤗❤️

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I too reject the unexpected harsh criticisms when others seem to want to pout and throw sticks and stones. I normally keep space in my mind for them if they want to remain my friend.

Your astrology drew me to your column years ago and now substack.

You are an exemplar of a human BEing. Over the years have become a role model, mentor.

Keep on doing what you do.

With gratitude I’ll return to reading this morning’s newsletter from you. A cherished Tuesday am ritual.

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