My husband told me this piece is maybe the most important thing he’s read about our political crisis. I agree. Thank you, Rob, for modeling again and again how we can show up fully in the world with holy, raging compassion.
Bravo. Thank you. I am so sorry you had such a traumatic experience. One of my best friends had the same thing happen to him. I am very grateful that both of you survived. I had a 12-inch knife flicked in my face in NYC and a Good Neighborhood Samaritan saved me. Sometimes, it takes the kindness of one stranger to change things. Let's be good to one another as we travel this new circle of Hell together.
The musician Rick Danko used to say, "We are not here to change the world. We are here to make our neighborhood a little better." Your writing makes my neighborhood a little better. It makes me feel not so alone. Thank you. We do what we can. This situation is frightening and ghastly. I do not understand people who choose to create a hell for other people instead of creating a heaven for all. And, oh yes, they call themselves Christians. Deliver us from this evil. So mote it be.
Ciao Rob, I am writing from Italy. I have just upgraded to a paid subscription. In times like these (and we in Europe are struggling as well; just consider that in Italy we have a fascist government), your voice is a primary source of wisdom, as vital as water. Thank you.
Your words move me like no other. Deeply appreciate your work! Even in the darkest moments, your light fills us with gratitude. Your work is astounding, resounding and so helpful to your readers. With gratitude, Rob. Bless you.
Fabulous🫶🏻 I lost my whole family in a long, abusive Series of traumatic betrayal, death, and more betrayal. I am still recovering, but in the process, once I was able to do anything, I began to learn. I learned about positive psychology, neuroscience, mindfulness, self compassion, and before even that, the depth of my own compassion. The ability to understand and forgive. And what narcissists are and do, and that, despite the sympathy I can feel for them, on one level, that I didn’t deserve any of it. That what they do is evil and destructive, and very harmful, and that such people do not change. They will only continue to take and harm, and any battle with them will be long and drawn out and very painful. Before the worst of it, I fell into work I was unqualified for, technically, working in a psych hospital, running psycho-ed groups. I learned to love people perhaps for the first time, in all their imperfections, suffering, and striving to heal, and because of my compassion and my ability to empathize, to understand, I was good at it. I never studied psychology, but I spent my life trying to figure out what was wrong with me, what was wrong by siblings. At the same time, I watched yet again jealous people and control freaks plot against me. People who are supposed to be helping others, but instead we’re consumed with arrogance, authoritarianism, manipulative people who tried to turn others against me because I didn’t have the same qualifications as anyone else so they resented me, especially when my work was good.
I learned to see my suffering, old parents as suffering, old people, and filled with love for them that I never thought I would feel. And I felt the rage and anger toward and finally true understanding about who my siblings really were. Who they had become. How much hate they had even when I was born, and how much they carried all their lives, which led to what they did to our poor parents. And to me, the youngest, the one they were jealous of from the moment I was born. And the assumptions, the false illusions never mind created I am still haunted by it all, but I found a new family. Second cousins. Chosen sisters. Friends. And I have accumulated trainings and certifications. While the different places I looked for family always seem to make false assumptions, gossip, treat me unfairly, unequally, out of jealousy, thinking that I was someone else because of what they saw on the surface., I learned to care for others in my heart. To push beyond my own limits for the sake of someone else that I hardly knew, but cared for their happiness. And finally, I became certified in mind-body approaches to stress and resilience and trauma healing. And I learned, and I grew, because of all the individual and accumulated lifetime worth of unfairness, abuse, hopelessness, transformation. And I can help people, and I do, because of a transformation in my understanding about human beings and our tendencies to make our own sufferings worse than they need to be, and I teach them pieces of what I have learned, and see their hope, rise, as mine has. If I were younger and healthier, I would protest more than I do about the monsterous situation in the United States right now. But I can work one at a time with each person I come across who needs some of what I have learned. And sometimes that is in the form of writing here on Substack , again sharing what I learn, because people need to know truth.
As usual Rob you instruct, inspire, enlighten and always get brain, heart connection activated. After reading your assessment of what is going on with Trump and my Cancer horoscope I was feeling a need to stop the carnage but not in the usual way. Outside the box.
I feel Trump's executive orders are weapons of mass destruction and with knowledge and intent acts of terrorism against citizens. I do not feel safe, I am on social security and because that is below the poverty level am on snap for food. So, my existence seems to be a threat to Trump's bottom line for balancing a budget. I have always been active and involved in social issues for the good of all. The scariest thing right now is there is no rule of law or course of action to hold wrongdoing accountable.
Elected officials are captured, courts, press, agencies protecting our environment and well being are also out of sight and out of mind. e.g. EPA. So, Court issues orders to Trump and Musk and they flip them off, the ones that aren't captured. We need a course of action that do not involve standard operating procedures in a functional working democracy and that means setting precedent for the first time. So. First thing, get Bernie and Robert Reich, Noam Chomsky, Ralph Nader, to write up a class action lawsuit against Trump and Musk for terrorizing the citizens and residents of this country and deliver it to Congress. It is Congress' job to keep us safe and act on our behalf. Class action is not a choice it is an order.
Maybe even use AI to help write up the class action since it is a whole new winkle. Put it to good use. Or something Europe does and seems to get their leader's attention A Vote of Confidence.
Yup, its never been done in America because we have never been in this kind of a situation before. The deal is nobody has to die or get hurt all these are legal, lawful actions we need to show the terrorist who is really in charge. We are the boss and this is how we flex our muscles and get results. We need to get the problems eradicated because we are never going to be able to talk them down. It is not an impeachment process. Done that and it is didn't work. They don't listen or care about our democracy, the rule of law, ethics or morals. So, not wasting our precious breath time or energy. Actions speak louder than words. And we are not asking Congress to initiate a vote of Confidence or class action, we are telling them! There is a difference.
I trust the above people who have been in this fight since the beginning. If the vote of confidence comes back as,No Confidence," Trump is expelled from office Immediately. We can't live with and don't have to, be subject to a self anointed dictator. The irony of it all. BEING ABLE TO LEGALLY AND LAWFULLY SAY, "YOU'RE FIRED." ONLY THE BOSS CAN SAY THAT. WHOSE THE BOSS? We the people.
I love you Rob. Every week without fail you fill me with hope and joy. You are a treasured gift. Thank you!!
Perfect message at the perfect time as we must deal with our imperfect national and global situation that threatens to impose far too unacceptable unprincipled destruction.
Your advice is always right on and your motives pure. We must be awake and alert seekers to know when and how to act. Integrity is always the answer politically and professionally just as love is always the answer personally. We need to know what love and integrity look like and act accordingly. Not speaking the truth would be a compromise of your principled integrity. Same here! You speak truth effectively because you love the world and our citizens too much to stay silent to suit anyone else’s sensibilities. Thank you.
Nonviolent holy rage … I looked in the mirror while styling my hair Thursday morning, and I heard “I know who I am.” And maybe this is the gift of holy rage for this Pisces: a clarity I often otherwise lack. (My therapist did not understand this at all — but I read your horoscope for my sign just now, and it hit like divine confirmation that I do in fact exist. Thank you for sharing of yourself over these many, many years. I haven’t always known where to find your work, but I’m always so much better off when I do! Sending the best, most positive, grateful, loving intentions to you, Rob Brezny. And healing intentions for us all.)
My husband told me this piece is maybe the most important thing he’s read about our political crisis. I agree. Thank you, Rob, for modeling again and again how we can show up fully in the world with holy, raging compassion.
Thank you so much Rob for the inspiration and power in your words moving forward in nonviolent holy rage. With Beauty All Around!
Appreciate you beyond words
Bravo. Thank you. I am so sorry you had such a traumatic experience. One of my best friends had the same thing happen to him. I am very grateful that both of you survived. I had a 12-inch knife flicked in my face in NYC and a Good Neighborhood Samaritan saved me. Sometimes, it takes the kindness of one stranger to change things. Let's be good to one another as we travel this new circle of Hell together.
The musician Rick Danko used to say, "We are not here to change the world. We are here to make our neighborhood a little better." Your writing makes my neighborhood a little better. It makes me feel not so alone. Thank you. We do what we can. This situation is frightening and ghastly. I do not understand people who choose to create a hell for other people instead of creating a heaven for all. And, oh yes, they call themselves Christians. Deliver us from this evil. So mote it be.
Ciao Rob, I am writing from Italy. I have just upgraded to a paid subscription. In times like these (and we in Europe are struggling as well; just consider that in Italy we have a fascist government), your voice is a primary source of wisdom, as vital as water. Thank you.
Your words move me like no other. Deeply appreciate your work! Even in the darkest moments, your light fills us with gratitude. Your work is astounding, resounding and so helpful to your readers. With gratitude, Rob. Bless you.
I am reading and hearing the Words of an Angel sent directly from Heaven to heal our very troubled world. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️❤️❤️
Fabulous🫶🏻 I lost my whole family in a long, abusive Series of traumatic betrayal, death, and more betrayal. I am still recovering, but in the process, once I was able to do anything, I began to learn. I learned about positive psychology, neuroscience, mindfulness, self compassion, and before even that, the depth of my own compassion. The ability to understand and forgive. And what narcissists are and do, and that, despite the sympathy I can feel for them, on one level, that I didn’t deserve any of it. That what they do is evil and destructive, and very harmful, and that such people do not change. They will only continue to take and harm, and any battle with them will be long and drawn out and very painful. Before the worst of it, I fell into work I was unqualified for, technically, working in a psych hospital, running psycho-ed groups. I learned to love people perhaps for the first time, in all their imperfections, suffering, and striving to heal, and because of my compassion and my ability to empathize, to understand, I was good at it. I never studied psychology, but I spent my life trying to figure out what was wrong with me, what was wrong by siblings. At the same time, I watched yet again jealous people and control freaks plot against me. People who are supposed to be helping others, but instead we’re consumed with arrogance, authoritarianism, manipulative people who tried to turn others against me because I didn’t have the same qualifications as anyone else so they resented me, especially when my work was good.
I learned to see my suffering, old parents as suffering, old people, and filled with love for them that I never thought I would feel. And I felt the rage and anger toward and finally true understanding about who my siblings really were. Who they had become. How much hate they had even when I was born, and how much they carried all their lives, which led to what they did to our poor parents. And to me, the youngest, the one they were jealous of from the moment I was born. And the assumptions, the false illusions never mind created I am still haunted by it all, but I found a new family. Second cousins. Chosen sisters. Friends. And I have accumulated trainings and certifications. While the different places I looked for family always seem to make false assumptions, gossip, treat me unfairly, unequally, out of jealousy, thinking that I was someone else because of what they saw on the surface., I learned to care for others in my heart. To push beyond my own limits for the sake of someone else that I hardly knew, but cared for their happiness. And finally, I became certified in mind-body approaches to stress and resilience and trauma healing. And I learned, and I grew, because of all the individual and accumulated lifetime worth of unfairness, abuse, hopelessness, transformation. And I can help people, and I do, because of a transformation in my understanding about human beings and our tendencies to make our own sufferings worse than they need to be, and I teach them pieces of what I have learned, and see their hope, rise, as mine has. If I were younger and healthier, I would protest more than I do about the monsterous situation in the United States right now. But I can work one at a time with each person I come across who needs some of what I have learned. And sometimes that is in the form of writing here on Substack , again sharing what I learn, because people need to know truth.
As usual Rob you instruct, inspire, enlighten and always get brain, heart connection activated. After reading your assessment of what is going on with Trump and my Cancer horoscope I was feeling a need to stop the carnage but not in the usual way. Outside the box.
I feel Trump's executive orders are weapons of mass destruction and with knowledge and intent acts of terrorism against citizens. I do not feel safe, I am on social security and because that is below the poverty level am on snap for food. So, my existence seems to be a threat to Trump's bottom line for balancing a budget. I have always been active and involved in social issues for the good of all. The scariest thing right now is there is no rule of law or course of action to hold wrongdoing accountable.
Elected officials are captured, courts, press, agencies protecting our environment and well being are also out of sight and out of mind. e.g. EPA. So, Court issues orders to Trump and Musk and they flip them off, the ones that aren't captured. We need a course of action that do not involve standard operating procedures in a functional working democracy and that means setting precedent for the first time. So. First thing, get Bernie and Robert Reich, Noam Chomsky, Ralph Nader, to write up a class action lawsuit against Trump and Musk for terrorizing the citizens and residents of this country and deliver it to Congress. It is Congress' job to keep us safe and act on our behalf. Class action is not a choice it is an order.
Maybe even use AI to help write up the class action since it is a whole new winkle. Put it to good use. Or something Europe does and seems to get their leader's attention A Vote of Confidence.
Yup, its never been done in America because we have never been in this kind of a situation before. The deal is nobody has to die or get hurt all these are legal, lawful actions we need to show the terrorist who is really in charge. We are the boss and this is how we flex our muscles and get results. We need to get the problems eradicated because we are never going to be able to talk them down. It is not an impeachment process. Done that and it is didn't work. They don't listen or care about our democracy, the rule of law, ethics or morals. So, not wasting our precious breath time or energy. Actions speak louder than words. And we are not asking Congress to initiate a vote of Confidence or class action, we are telling them! There is a difference.
I trust the above people who have been in this fight since the beginning. If the vote of confidence comes back as,No Confidence," Trump is expelled from office Immediately. We can't live with and don't have to, be subject to a self anointed dictator. The irony of it all. BEING ABLE TO LEGALLY AND LAWFULLY SAY, "YOU'RE FIRED." ONLY THE BOSS CAN SAY THAT. WHOSE THE BOSS? We the people.
I love you Rob. Every week without fail you fill me with hope and joy. You are a treasured gift. Thank you!!
Truely inspiring
100% agree! Thank you Rob! Must read and a call to RISE UP one and all!
Thank you, Rob
Thank you for this, and all you do!
You may find this blog post interesting, hopeful, and inspiring.
Perfect message at the perfect time as we must deal with our imperfect national and global situation that threatens to impose far too unacceptable unprincipled destruction.
Your advice is always right on and your motives pure. We must be awake and alert seekers to know when and how to act. Integrity is always the answer politically and professionally just as love is always the answer personally. We need to know what love and integrity look like and act accordingly. Not speaking the truth would be a compromise of your principled integrity. Same here! You speak truth effectively because you love the world and our citizens too much to stay silent to suit anyone else’s sensibilities. Thank you.
Nonviolent holy rage … I looked in the mirror while styling my hair Thursday morning, and I heard “I know who I am.” And maybe this is the gift of holy rage for this Pisces: a clarity I often otherwise lack. (My therapist did not understand this at all — but I read your horoscope for my sign just now, and it hit like divine confirmation that I do in fact exist. Thank you for sharing of yourself over these many, many years. I haven’t always known where to find your work, but I’m always so much better off when I do! Sending the best, most positive, grateful, loving intentions to you, Rob Brezny. And healing intentions for us all.)
Incredible thank you 🌹