Thank you so much for this post - it articulates so many of my own feelings right now. I keep telling my sponsees, the serenity prayer is not only about powerlessness, it’s about change. Thank you again!

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We each have our unique strands to make the web of humanity stronger, and when we give our attention and talents to others it benefits us as well- endorphins flow and hearts glow and so much pain is healed❤️‍🩹

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i needed this message at this exact second. thank you. 💜

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Thank you Rob. You’re a light in the darkness. We are going to have a Constitution Day here at my senior apartment complex. We’re going to give away copies of our Constitution while we have games and quizzes and refreshments as to what is contained within our precious document written for our future. It’s a refresher as to what is written in this great document so we can find ways to make sure our democracy endures and becomes better for all of us.

We are using many of the resources available to us at the Constitution Center online, at www.constitutioncenter.org.

Our Constitution rocks!!

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Ahhhhhh, takings big breathe and focus, thank you

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Thank you. 🙏🏻 Not enough of this message being spread. I will do my part to share.

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Very powerful. Thank you for sharing it and, Jane Westenberg, thank you for thoughtfully writing it.

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So helpful, timely and spot-on. Thank you for sending this.

And thank you, Joan Westenberg, for offering such helpful, hopeful advice.

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Wise Words of Empowerment and Comfort! Appreciate this essay.

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Thank you for sharing this—really important for everyone to read right now

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Sharing this on my website, as you say what I've been trying to say so much better than I say it... or rather, Joan says it so much better ;)

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I love this SO MUCH! It is exactly what I’ve been saying for fifteen years.

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Brilliant - thank you.

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Thank you.

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Ciao Rob, I have been reading your horoscopes in the Italian magazine "Internazionale" for many years, ever since there was only the paper version. After having bought the magazine I immediately ran to read your horoscope, first for my sign - Pisces - and then for my ascendant - Aquarius -, taking great pleasure in it and always finding useful indications for my life.

I feel like thanking you very much for this, dear Rob!

Warm greetings to you and your readers from Italian Switzerland.

Luca ♓️ 😊 ♒️

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Amazing ❤

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